
Welcome chaps, to my movie critique blog. I'm just like a normal college student, except for the fact that I have a big obbsession with movies. I enjoy every genre of movie. I hardley ever come across a movie that I hate, But some I do enjoy more than others. I'm pretty oppinionated and really enjoy looking deep and discussing movies.

If any of you have any request for a critique on a movie you are interested in, but not quite sure about, I would be more than glad give you my opinion on it (that is if I have seen it). I havn't seen every single movie (I stay away from Twilight FYI) I have just seen more than the average person. In my dorm people were constantly coming to borrow one of my movies so yes I started a buisness for people to rent movies from me. What can I say, I'm a broke college student.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Comedy's and Drama's


WAITING FOR GUFFMAN- This is a personal favorite movie of mine. It is a mockumentary about a small town putting on a "big" production. Each character will have you laughing till you cry! Though some don't really care for these kind of movies, but I personally love them. It can be reffered to as stupid humor but not in the same way as movie's The Hangover or Superbad. This movie brings laughter, tears (from all the laughing), good singing, and a fantastic dance number that you will never forget. One little thing that I like to remind people after they have seen the movie is that the main guy is the six fingered man from Princes Bride. This movie really demonstrates his acting range, and him and Ugene Levy wrote the movie as well. If you enjoy the show The Office or movies like Drop Dead Gorgerous, then you will love this movie just as much as I do. And I must give credit to my cousin Kristy for introducing me to the movie that I have come to quote more than any other movie :)       10 out of 10

ZOMBIELAND- So no lies here, I do enjoy a good zombie movie. This zombie movie in particular I enjoyed bucause it gave a nice twist to the whole zombie world of movies, I mean how many different story lines can you have about dead people coming after to eat you? So I thougoughly enjoyed this movie. It did indeed keep me laughing, and just a little sneak peak for you guys, Bill Murray is in this movie!! Also what I liked was that the movie was all that stupid humor that I was expecting. It did have some pretty decent action scenes, nothing like Die hard or anything, but you know good for a comedy. I thought the acting was great and each character was distinctly different but meshed well together, so cudo's to the writer. So if your in that odd mood of wanting a comedy, but also wanting an action movie then I recomend Zombieland for you.            8 out of 10


WHY DID I GET MARRIED- Every time I watch a Tyler Perry Movie I see how much God has blessed him with ability to write all these scripts and songs that really speak the message. This movie was great because it showed all the different kinds of marriage and how none of them will work unless you have God in the mix some how. Of course the movie is very strong and powerful, but it still has it humorous parts to make you laugh. I thought the acting was great and the script was written very well. I definately encourage people to watch this even if you arn't married, but if you are and feel like your having troubles and don't want to go see a shrink then just pop this movie in. I believe God really speaks through TP and all the scripts he writes.     8 1/2 out of 10

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