
Welcome chaps, to my movie critique blog. I'm just like a normal college student, except for the fact that I have a big obbsession with movies. I enjoy every genre of movie. I hardley ever come across a movie that I hate, But some I do enjoy more than others. I'm pretty oppinionated and really enjoy looking deep and discussing movies.

If any of you have any request for a critique on a movie you are interested in, but not quite sure about, I would be more than glad give you my opinion on it (that is if I have seen it). I havn't seen every single movie (I stay away from Twilight FYI) I have just seen more than the average person. In my dorm people were constantly coming to borrow one of my movies so yes I started a buisness for people to rent movies from me. What can I say, I'm a broke college student.

Saturday, August 7, 2010



INGLORIOUS BASTARDS-  Tarantino at his best!! Of course the movie has a lot of blood and gore, I mean it wouldn't really be a Tarantino film without all that stuff, but this film really demonstrated Tarantino's writing skills. He has always been a personal favorite director of mine and this movie just made me have even more respect for him as a director/writer. He is so detailed and out of the realm of your average movie writer.
This film does consist of a lot of reading though. So if you have trouble reading subtitles on the TV then this movie probably isn't for you.
Though Brad Pitt was not in much of the movie, I still think this was a great character for him and one of my favorite that I've seen him play.    10 out of 10

WHITEOUT- Not Kate Beckinsale's best. The story line left much to be desired. While there was some suspenseful parts, they only built up to a let down. The script was not well written when it came to common sense details. It was not a completely terrible movie, but not one you watch when you want a good thriller with a fantastic twist. It's more of one you watch when you are having like a slumber party or something so that you get the suspense, but don't really have to pay attention the whole time.          4 out of 10

IN THE LINE OF FIRE- Yes I am aware that it is an oldie, but I just saw it this year. Good ole Clint Eastwood! This was a very enjoyable movie about a man attempting to assassinate the president. True there are many movies with that theme, but I think this is one of favorites. The acting was great and the script was well written. Though it is not action packed, so some of you may feel it's a bit slow in some parts. So if you are all about the car chases and massive gun fights and no story line, then this movie is not for you.    8 out of 10

INCEPTION- Utter Brilliance. I am guilty of seeing it twice in one day. I do recommend seeing it in theaters, other wise you have a better chance of missing something. It is definitely a thinker kind of movie, so don't go see it with friends you know are major talkers during movies.
The movie really makes you think hard about your dream world and how somebody was able to think up this script. Though at the end it has you question "What really was the main point." I of course have my opinion, but I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone who has not seen it yet. I honestly can say that I did catch myself holding my breath and would have to remember to breathe because it would get so intense. DON'T MISS THIS MOVIE IN THEATERS!!    10 out of 10


WHEN IN ROME- Pretty cute, pretty cheesy. A great movie to just watch with you girlfriends over for a sleepover or just a good mother daughter movie night. I can say though that the storyline did have its own twist which was interesting. A beautiful cast with Kristin Bell and Josh Duhmal oh and great to see Danny Davito. I'm not ashamed to say that I did enjoy this movie, BUT even though it was done by the same people as the Proposal, does not mean that is as good as the proposal!     6 out of 10

500 DAYS OF SUMMER- OK so if you are the kind of person who loves sappy love stories where everything is happily ever after, then you may not enjoy this movie so much. Though I thoroughly enjoyed it and appreciated it in a way. I suppose in a way all women feel the way Zooey Deschanel character felt. Though what I liked about her is that she wasn't going to just settle even though she could feel that he wasn't the one. And this movie ended with the saying that I highly believe in "Everything happens for a reason!" It is definitely enjoyable and the soundtrack is fantastic. Very different from your average chick flic, which I suppose is why I like it so much, but I don't think its in my top 10 or anything.    7 out of 10

STEP UP 3D- Surprisingly enough, all three of the step up movies are very enjoyable and the dancing just keeps getting better. In this one the story line was too cheesy, but pretty predictable. The dancing was incredible! Alot of past so you think you can dance contestants are in it, such as Twitch, Legacy and more. For one of the dance numbers they went old school and took some stuff from the fabulous Gene Kelly, but of course gave it their own twist. Some of the acting was not all that great, but you know I think they tried to pick cute enough guys so that you could look past that little detail. They do bring back some people from the second movie which is great. Overall, it was fun, enjoyable, and made you just want to get up and dance ( and yes me and my friend danced out of the theater since we were the only ones left in there). Though I didn't really understand why they had to make it 3D, I mean I think it would have been just as enjoyable if was just in regular 2D, but ohwell still good.    6 out of 10


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